Our Mission Statement
We promote children’s confidence, resilience and independence through our everyday routines and the positive relationships we form. We nurture children to become independent, to make informed choices, and to develop a strong sense of self. When children leave our nursery to start school, they are fully equipped with the skills they need for future learning.
We introduce children to literacy through books, stories, rhymes, poems, and a huge repertoire of songs. Our literacy programmes provide children with extensive experiences to develop their dexterity and manipulative development. For example, we use our fingers to knead with dough. Or we practice making marks on paper as we dip sticks we find in the garden into paint and delight in seeing the marks they make. Extensive research tells us these are the essential skills children need to acquire before learning to write.
We encourage every child to fulfil his/her potential. We know our children well and we work closely with parents to support each child every day. We provide the highest quality learning experiences which are matched to children’s interests and what they enjoy doing. This approach enables children to concentrate for longer as they are interested in what they are doing. Our teachers observe children closely and know when to ask relevant questions or allow children time for independent exploration. We want to foster every child’s love of learning. Children who are interested in their environment ask questions, want to experiment, and are keen to find out more. Our broad curriculum and exceptional teaching enable children to develop a natural inquisitiveness and curiosity to find out more.
Our aim is that Little Learners Land provides every child with a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment. We recognise how important the early years of a child’s education and development are. We want to inspire children to learn within a fun, engaging and exciting environment. We believe that the health and wellbeing of each child is paramount. A happy child learns. We work hard to recognise and plan for the unique qualities of every child and enable them to progress and build the foundations for their future learning. Our high-quality teaching encourages every child to explore, be inquisitive, ask questions, experiment with new things, persevere when things do not always work the first time, and develop a real thirst for knowledge and learning.
We provide a stimulating environment, inside and outside. We introduce children to new experiences and help them to learn about the local community, the lifestyles of different families, the role of others, and age-appropriate topics associated with the environment. We equip children with the skills they need for life in the modern world. For example, we offer a language-rich environment to build upon children’s speaking, listening and communication skills. We extend children’s vocabulary through in-depth conversation, the introduction of new words, songs, rhymes, and role play. We offer language-rich activities which encourage children to ask questions, recall previous learning and build on prior knowledge.