
In our nursery, we have a designated baby room for children aged under two years. This provides our youngest children with a designated space to play, sleep and enjoy meals. Each baby is assigned a key person who will link closely with parents and carry out most of the baby’s care routines – such as settling to sleep, nappy changing and bottle feeding. The role of the key person is to offer care and consistency to the baby, so they form a strong attachment. This is essential to allow a baby to feel safe, secure, and happy when they are away from their home environment.

Once children are ready (usually around the age of two years), they transition to Little Investigators which is our Toddler room where our toddlers are able to explore a new environment whilst playing and learning new skills. Our curriculum enables our Little Learners to initiate their own play, explore independently and experiment with resources they have chosen. Our staff will carefully observe what our Little Learners are doing, what they are showing interest in, and will then sensitively interact to support learning.

Once children are ready for their transition to Little Discoverers, they move downstairs where they find a slightly more structured environment to prepare our Little Learners for school readiness. Our team plan the activities for the children and ensure that the children’s individual interests and next steps are enhanced. Our Little Discoverers are fortunate to have the easiest access to the nursery garden a fun-filled haven of fun, play and learning.